
Treasure Falls Games

Created by Treasure Falls Games

The acclaimed dungeon crawler for young heroes 5 years old and up returns with the base game plus a new expansion.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Add-On: Cardboard Dungeon Tiles!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 09:20:50 PM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

It was a glorious day in April of 2021: the first backers were receiving their copies of The Quest Kids. After 2+ years of working towards this day it was finally here and it was going smashingly. Families were having a blast with the game, which was obviously an incredible response. 

However, on that April day we received multiple requests for a specific upgrade to the game...and have continued to get that request weekly over the past year of questing. Today we grant that wish. 

Cardboard Dungeon Tiles for both The Quest Kids and Big Bads of Tolk's Cave are now available as an add-on! Players can now replace their Dungeon Tile Cards with thick cardboard tiles, creating a more tactile and 3D experience. Plus, these tiles are a Kickstarter exclusive. 

You will get all 42 Dungeon Tiles from The Quest Kids, all 42 Dungeon Tiles from Big Bads of Tolk's Cave and a custom Dungeon Tile Box featuring brand new Quest Kids art to store them. 

Speaking of the new art...well, here it is:

This add-on is available now on Kickstarter. It is super simple to add a new add-on item to your existing pledge. I started to write out the steps, but then thought "someone must have made a quick YouTube video explaining this..." They have, and it is only 1 minute long. Watch it here!

Please let me know if you have any questions about the Cardboard Dungeon Tiles in the comments below.

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Backer Vote Results, The Quest Kids on Table Top Simulator & 8th Stretch Goal Revealed
about 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 08:29:48 AM

Good Evening Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I thoroughly enjoyed spending a fun weekend with my family and I also enjoyed unlocking our 7th stretch goal!

Adventurers will now be able to visit Tolk's Desk and optimize their ability cards during their quest (if you decide to play with this tile). Up next is a goal that I am very happy to introduce, but my son is thrilled about it.

The Tolk Gems are BACK in Big Bads of Tolk's Cave. The gems are one of my son's favorite parts of The Quest Kids and I'd imagine a lot of other parents out there can relate. With this stretch goal we will unlock a new deck of 6 Tolk Gem Power cards. 

Each Tolk Gem Power Card has a unique one-time-use power. These cards will be earned by scaring away 6 different bad guys during your quest who have a new Tolk Gem Icon next to the stars:

When one of these bad guys is scared away the hero gets to draw one of the Tolk Gem Power cards and take the appropriate Tolk Gem component. They will then place the gem on the circle in the middle of the card. When a player wants to use their Tolk Gem's power they will move the gem from the card to their player board.


Before the weekend I asked for the Citizens of Treasure Falls to vote on if they'd prefer a new Bear, Pirate or Goblin bad guy in the game. Well, the results are in...and my goodness it was incredibly close. INCREDIBLY. CLOSE. 

Pirates: 53

Bears: 52

Goblins: 51

Seriously. Congratulations to the Pirates and Bears! Since it was so close I am trying to figure out a way to get a new Goblin into the game as well. Perhaps I will combine two of my existing new characters onto one card? I will keep you updated! 


Backer Andreas Gabel (snoggle1981) has been an amazing supporter of The Quest Kids since the very beginning. He has answered dozens of questions on the BGG forums, made a TTS workshop for Matching Adventure and has now made one for The Quest Kids and Big Bads of Tolk's Cave! 

If you have a Table Top Simulator subscription you can find The Quest Kids here:

This workshop only has the prototype version of Big Bads of Tolk's Cave, which means that it only has one Big Bad and a few Event Cards (among other things). Also, when playing Big Bads players will also need to sort out the "Gain 1  Tolk Gem" Quest Card manually and the Quest Kid Attack Cards that exceed the player count manually.

It looks amazing on TTS. Thanks again Andreas for the great work. If you have any questions about the workshop leave a comment and I am sure that Andreas will be happy to answer them.

The end of our journey will be here before we know it (the campaign ends next Thursday). Thanks again for all of your support and please continue to spread the campaign when you can. 

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Backer Vote: Bears, Pirates or Goblins?
about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 09:00:29 AM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I hope you are having a nice Friday. The campaign has started to pick-up a bit more steam (we are less than $1,000 away from unlocking our next stretch goal), so keep doing what you're doing! 


There will be 16 new bad guys in Big Bads of Tolk's Cave (not including the Big Bads)! Ten of these bad guys are already finished and I am doing something special/personal with four more (which I will share in the coming weeks). That leaves 2 more bad guys that need to be created. 

That's where the Citizens of Treasure Falls come in! I'd like to hear from you if you'd like to see a new PIRATE, BEAR or GOBLIN character. 

Here are the pirates, bears and goblins that we already have in The Quest Kids base game (we do not currently have any new bears, pirates or goblins in Big Bads of Tolk's Cave):

To vote simply comment in the main comment section for this campaign (not on this update) with Bears!, Pirates! or Goblins! Give us your top TWO choices (we need two new characters after all). 

For a bonus vote you can list an idea for your character (like Empty Belly the Pirate up there has a never ending appetite or Chompy the Bear is a laid back kinda guy). I'll count up the votes on Sunday night and announce the winner on Monday.


In addition to finding out what new characters we'll add to the game we have a couple more exciting things to unveil next week. If things keep going as they're going we'll unlock Tolk's Desk soon and reveal our next shiny and precious stretch goal (hint?). We also have a fairly major announcement for a feature that players have been asking for since they began playing The Quest Kids last year. I can't wait to share it!

I am out of town with the family this weekend, so my next update will most likely be on Sunday night or Monday. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

A Quest Kids quest is never done,


Tolk's Desk Revealed, a new social winner and a way you can help!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 01:32:40 PM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I hope all is well in your part of the Kingdom. We have reached the inevitable long and slow days that occur during any epic quest, however there is plenty of glory and honor that awaits us on this journey. 


Earlier this week we revealed the name of the Special Location Tile that will be unlocked if we make it to $82.5k: Tolk's Desk! On a player's turn they can choose to visit Tolk's Desk instead of exploring a dungeon tile. At Tolk's Desk players can swap up to two ability cards for other ability cards. 

This Stretch Goal adds a Tolk's Desk Dungeon Tile Card AND a Cardboard Tile! The Cardboard Tile should replace the Tolk's Desk Card once it is discovered and stay on the board for the entire game.

This ability has been requested quite frequently since people began playing The Quest Kids and we are thrilled to potentially give our players the option of adding it to their game. Just like the previously unlocked Weapon Rack you can choose to add this tile to your game before you begin your quest. Simply remove the gray event tile and replace it with Tolk's Desk.  


Congratulations to Kickstarter commenter @Jon Tate for winning our 4th free pledge! We will be in contact soon. 

Also, we only need 2 more likes on our Big Bads BGG page to unlock another star! That should be a super easy quest to complete ;) 

Speaking of unlocking stars...


This morning The Dice Tower posted a stand-alone video of Tom's live-play of Big Bads of Tolk's Cave to their channel. The video does a superb job of showing what our game is all about...and it would be amazing if we could share the video to as many people as possible. 

NOT TO MENTION you can certainly add #QuestKidsGame to your post on Facebook for the share to count towards our Kickstarter Shares goal. 


I have been spending any down time I have from managing the campaign working on finalizing Big Bads (with the hopes that we can beat our eta delivery time). I have been going back and forth on a fun decision and decided it'd be best to have our amazing backers weigh in! I will share that info tomorrow.

Have a great rest of your day and thanks as always for your continued support of our game.

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Howlrok is unleashed, another free pledge and our contest winners!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 05:29:40 AM

Happy Sunday Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. It has been pretty amazing for me...since we have now passed 1,000 backers! Thank you all for supporting our dungeon crawler for young kiddos. It is most certainly my quest to ensure these games provide an amazing experience for your family. 

On to the update!


We have passed by $70,000 on our journey, which means that Howlrok the Giant White Wolf has been unlocked as a new Big Bad! Before you begin a session of Big Bads of Tolk's Cave you will select a Big Bad to battle at the end. Howlrok now joins Dazzlon the Dream Dragon and two other Big Bads in the expansion. You can see the other two Big Bads on the box cover, but I will introduce them properly in an upcoming update. 

Each Big Bad's Boss Battle plays differently at the end and challenges The Quest Kids in different ways. 

Our next stretch goal is another Special Location card and tile. We are keeping the location's name and power a secret for now, but let us know your guesses in the comments (we'll reveal the location name Monday night).


We unlocked another free pledge with our 9th star! Congrats to @PrestonVanCamp on Twitter. We'll reach out shortly for you to claim your prize. 

For all of our new backers here are the simple social actions that count towards stars and where we currently stand:

We currently have 471 likes on The Quest Kids BGG page. 

We currently have 121 likes on the Big Bads BGG page. 

We currently have 326 comments on the main comment section of this campaign. 

We have 26 shares of The Quest Kids: Big Bads of Tolk's Cave Kickstarter on Facebook or Twitter using #QuestKids or #QuestKidsGame.

We currently have 934 likes on the Treasure Falls Games Facebook page. 


We asked the Citizens of Treasure Falls to come up with fun/silly/scary/confusing/amazing scenarios that challenge our team of heroes to use for two of the new Event Cards that we unlocked with our 2nd stretch goal. 

We had a lot of fun suggestions, but here were our two favorites:

"Up up and away!" by backer Daniel R
"The Quest Kids are surprised as they all begin to float in mid air. There is a glowing blue crystal in the floor on the other side of the room that is probably the source."

  • Need 1 Teamwork
    "One of the quest kids grabs and throws the other to the crystal, which they then remove from the floor, causing everyone land softly back on the ground."


  1. Need 1 Attack
    "You throw your weapon at the crystal, shattering it, causing everyone to drop back to the ground with a loud thump!"

“Baby Dragon Hopscotch” by backer Jonathan

"Aww, look! It’s a baby dragon playing hopscotch! This adorable little fella just wants The Quest Kids to play. But be careful, he hasn’t learned to control his fiery baby dragon breath yet! He also looks a bit hungry…"

  1. Need 1 Teamwork
    Play Hopscotch with a baby dragon


  1. Need 1 Help
    Give it a snack

Thanks again for all of the entries and congrats to the winners! You will be listed as "Storytellers" in the rules for Big Bads of Tolk's Cave and will get to be as involved with the creation of the cards as you'd like to be!


Better Half Reviews has been a great partner of The Quest Kids since the beginning and that is not different with this campaign. Earlier this year they published a great video where they review The Quest Kids, The Trials of Tolk the Wise and Matching Adventure in one video...and it's super cool. 

And here's their review of Big Bads of Tolk's Cave:

They make great board game content and are great people, so give them a like and follow! 

We are entering our second week of the campaign and have many more quests to complete. So, if you feel so inclined tell a friend with kiddos about The Quest Kids. If everyone does that we'll have 2,000 backers in no time :)

Have a great rest of your weekend! A Quest Kids quest is never done.
