
Treasure Falls Games

Created by Treasure Falls Games

The acclaimed dungeon crawler for young heroes 5 years old and up returns with the base game plus a new expansion.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We did it! Our next quest now begins...
about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 03:10:13 PM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

Wow! What an exciting end to our adventure. At the start of yesterday $100,000 looked like a far-fetched task, however we banded together and conquered. We ended our journey with 1,280 heroes in our party from 38 different countries! We achieved 447% of our goal, which allows us to add over 50 new cards, including two new Big Bads (Howlrok and Jinx) to the game.

Our purpose has always been to create high-quality fantasy games for families to enjoy together. Thank you for allowing us to continue doing just that.

We also unlocked 4 social goal stars yesterday, which released two additional free pledges. I also realize that I forgot to announce our 5th free pledge winner last week. Below is a list of all 7 of our winners from the Social Goals. Congrats to all and thanks to everyone for participating and helping share The Quest Kids.

  • BGG user Bigboimaloy
  • Amanda Paulk (BGG user ampsterdamn)
  • @PrestonVanCamp on Twitter
  • Commenter @Jon Tate
  • BGG user Alen Kapidzic
  • Commenter @Josh Edem 
  • Commenter @sirjimofflem 


I'll send an update next week to kick-off our monthly post-campaign status updates. I have been inspired by Brandon Sanderson's weekly update videos where he gives progress percentages on his novels, so I will be doing the same thing (in written update form) for the fulfillment of this campaign. 

I will also be in-touch with those who backed at a 2 Wave Shipping Level next week with a timeline and next steps for the pledge manager (the process that will allow you to finalize your order, confirm your address and potentially add new items to your pledge).

In the meantime, if you have any questions or issues please feel free to comment here or email me at [email protected].

Now our next quest begins! A Quest Kids quest is never done.


Final hours, so close to a free pledge & a cool Dad moment!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 09:57:28 PM

Good Morning Citizens of Treasure Falls,

It has arrived! The final day of our quest is upon us and the amazing goal of $100k is certainly within reach...we just need to climb a few final peaks and scare away the final bad guys. 

Speaking of bad guys, I got this art back from Apolline yesterday and I wanted to share it IMMEDIATELY. Meet Smasher Slimer, a troll turned slime monster. He joins Treasure Slimer and Bomber Slimer as minions of the Big Bad Mega Slimer (who we met earlier this week). What do you think?


It is probably not surprising to learn that there are a lot of cool/fun things about designing a board game. There are certainly a whole host of challenges (as with any endeavor), but I try to not let those issues take away from the sheer joy of creating something that I love and people seem to dig. 

That joy is multiplied when I am designing a kids game and get to have my kids play test new iterations and wild ideas on a consistent basis - essentially allowing my kids to have a part in the creation process. I love them. I love The Quest Kids. They love The Quest Kids. It all works!

Which is why it is super cool for me to introduce three new bad guys that will be lurking about in the Big Bads of Tolk's Cave - characters that my kiddos Grayson (8), Violet (5) and Cole (2) may have influenced...

Grayson the Green

Grayson the Green was friends with Crash when they were growing up in Treasure Falls. However, the Wizard Shayde's influence has corrupted his once good intentions. Grayson the Green joins Nina the Ninja and Nightshade the Dark Elf as minions of the Big Bad Shayde. 


UltraViolet is a powerful fairy from Spirit Valley. While she is small in stature, she is not someone you'd like to meet alone in Tolk's Cave. She'll steal your treasure and leave you with an ultraviolet ray headache before you know what's what. 

Cole the Night-Owl

Cole the Night-Owl is alert and ready to attack when our heroes are at their most tired. He is fast, strong and can see an opportunity to cause mayhem from a mile away. Cole joins, Heckle, Hoopla and Hound the Hedgehogs and Momma Mammoth as Minions of the Big Bad Howlrok the Great Wolf. 

I am not going to share that these bad guy characters are inspired by and resemble my kiddos outside of this Kickstarter (meaning that it will not be in the rules or on our website). It isn't a secret, but it is just not something I am going to make a big deal about. So, a portion of the people that play Big Bads will see Grayson, Violet and Cole as just a few of the silly bad guys in the game. 

But I love the idea of the backers of this campaign, the amazing people that made the game a reality, knowing that these three bad guys are just a bit sillier than the others in Tolk's Cave (at least to this game designer). 


We're so close to unlocking another free pledge!

Thanks again to all of you for your support of The Quest Kids. We are SO CLOSE to our next Stretch Goal, so if you can share the campaign one more time on social media or IRL it would be amazing. 

A Quest Kids quest is never done...but this one is so close to starting a new chapter!


New Add-On Bundle and one star from another free pledge!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:20:46 PM

Good Morning Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

We're in the final 36 hours now and momentum has started to build for a strong finish! 


After the reveal of our new Cardboard Dungeon Tile add-on last week I had many requests for a new "All-In" offering that would include all of The Quest Kids extras. So, I am happy to announce that we've added the "Add-On Bundle" as an add-on option. 

This bundle includes the Neoprene Game Mat, the Neoprene Player Mats, the Cardboard Dungeon Tiles and an additional Coloring Scoring Sheet Pad! This bundle saves you 15% vs. adding all of the items separately. The cost is $44, which means if you haven't already added these to your pledge you can now do so at a bit of a discount (and of course those who already have these added to their pledge can switch to the bundle and save as well).

The process to change your add-ons is the same as it was for the Cardboard Dungeon Tiles (here is a helpful YouTube video that explains it quickly and nicely). 


Some of you may have noticed this in the Add-On Bundle graphic above, but the box design for our Cardboard Dungeon Tiles has been completed! Check it out:

This new piece of Quest Kids art takes the team out of Tolk's Cave and lays the wilderness and adventure of Treasure Falls before them.  Here is the art not in box form if you'd like to take a closer look:

This box will hold cardboard versions of the 42 Dungeon Tiles from the Quest Kids, the 8 new bad guy tiles from Tolk the Wise and the 42 new Dungeon Tiles from Big Bads of Tolk's Cave. The box is included with the Cardboard Dungeon Tiles add-on.


We only need one more star for someone to get their pledge for free! Here is what we need:

Thanks again for your support of The Quest Kids! You all truly are the best. 

A Quest Kids quest is never done,


We're in the final days, so let's meet the remaining Big Bads!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 11:18:38 PM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

We are in the final week of our journey! This campaign has been a huge success for Treasure Falls Games and we're excited to see what happens over the last couple of days. 


As you can see from the graphic above I have added 3 more stars that we can unlock to the Kickstarter Comments challenge! Here's where we stand on the other actions:


There are currently four Big Bads in the Big Bads of Tolk's Cave (and we are working on unlocking number 5!). Any adventurer who has made it through The Trials of Tolk the Wise knows Dazzlon the Dream Dragon and we unlocked Howlrok a couple of stretch goals ago. 

That leaves 2 Big Bads you are yet to meet who are already in the game. Let's fix that...

Mega Slimer is a misunderstood Slime Monster. Sure, he has his minions Treasure Slimer and Bomber Slimer zooming around the cave stealing treasure and exploding things. But all he wants is to not be so slimy...but while he is slimy he is going to squash heroes. 

In this unique Big Bad Battle the Quest Kids will need to use their memory and smarts to turn Mega Slimer back into...well, you'll find out. 

Shayde is a shifty wizard in more ways than one. He shifted from being a friend and ally of Tolk the Wise to an adversary and he shifts his form to all sorts of nasty beasts when battling The Quest Kids. 

Who are you all looking forward to battling at the end of your adventure? What sorts of beasties do you think Shayde should morph into? Let us know in the comments and maybe we'll unlock a few more stars!

I'll be back tomorrow with another update where I'll reveal something cool our artist has been working on. Let's finish strong!

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


A New Big Bad Emerges, Tom's Crowdsurfing Pick of the Week & More!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 12:38:32 AM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

Tom Vasel from The Dice Tower has been a huge proponent of The Quest Kids...and his support doesn't seem to be stopping! He named Big Bads of Tolk's Cave as his Crowdsurfing Pick of the Week! There are some HUGE campaigns out there right now, so it is incredible for him to single us out. I won't repeat again how much of an impact The Dice Tower has had on my love for this hobby...but every time we are featured on the channel it still feels like a dream. 

You can click here to see them discuss our campaign or click here to see Tom announce us as his pick. Also, sharing this video on Facebook and mentioning we're Tom's Pick of the Week for sure counts towards our social goals (just remember to use #QuestKidsGame so we can find it). 


With a little help from our recently announced new add-on we have unlocked the 6 Tolk Gem Power Cards! Those colorful gems will be back on little heroes' player boards for Big Bads of Tolk's Cave. 

So, that brings us to the HUGE new goal of $100K! Of course we have one more Big Bad ready and waiting for The Quest Kids.

Jinx is a trickster tree and his final encounter with The Quest Kids will require more brains than brawn...and Jinx is also known for stealing a bit of treasure from his adversaries. 


This add-on has been a huge success with over 100 backers adding it to their pledge. We had quite a few great ideas and questions around the add-on, and while I tried to address them in the comments I'll go ahead and recap them here as well:

  • The Cardbord Dungeon Tiles will come in their own custom box (with some amazing new artwork). The tiles cannot fit in The Quest Kids or Big Bads of Tolk's Cave inserts.

  • I love the idea of a Quest Kids Big Box that can hold all of the components from all of the expansions. This is definitely something we'll consider, but we won't be able to put that together before the end of this campaign next week.

  • The cardboard dungeon tiles will be as thick as the treasure tokens that are already in the game. 

  • The Cardboard Dungeon Tile add-on will not include the campaign dungeon tiles needed to play through the Trials of Tolk the Wise campaign. However,  there are 8 new bad guys that are unlocked during that campaign that can be used in the base game. These bad guys WILL have cardboard dungeon tiles included in the add-on. So, the final count of Cardboard Dungeon Tiles is actually 92 (not  84). 

  • If you are having issues adding the cardboard dungeon tiles to your pledge they will be available in the pledge manager as well.

If you still have questions please let me know in the comments and I'll be happy to answer them. I hope you have a great weekend! Next week is the end of this part of our journey and I think it is going to be an end full of honor, glory and treasure for all! 

A Quest Kids quest is never done,
